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Explore Alliance Ambassadors - Libby In The Stars

Arkansas USA
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Libby in the Stars is a young astronomer and space explorer. She is very passionate about space and learning about the universe. At the young age of eleven, she has already visited the Kennedy Space Center, Johnson Space Center, Marshall Space Flight Center, and the Kansas Cosmosphere. In August of 2019, Libby was able to experience her first SpaceX rocket launch at Kennedy Space Center. In July of 2020, she was able to attend Space Camp at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville.

Libby's other interests include travel, 80s music, weather, cats, and art. She desires to travel the world and has already visited four countries. Libby in the Stars loves to share her love of astronomy with her friends and family. She owns a ten-inch telescope and loves to do astrophotography. Her biggest interests include supernovas, conjunctions, and stars.

Libby is brave and her ultimate goal is to become an astronaut. She loved doing the multi-axis trainer at space camp which simulates a tumble-spin an astronaut would experience. Libby considers herself a hardcore researcher and enjoys meeting others who share her same passion for astronomy.


Beginning in 2020, Libby In The Stars has joined every segment the Explore Alliance Presentations of the Global Star Party.

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